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Carbon QuickStart.
Business carbon footprints made easy.
Carbon QuickStart helps you rapidly generate an accurate, meaningful carbon footprint for your business and build an actionable emissions reduction strategy now, not later.
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Our clients are
0,000,000kg of CO2-e closer to Net Zero and spending
$0,000,000 less on utility costs.
Trusted by outstanding businesses.
Let’s get started.
Faster, easier carbon footprinting.
Customer demands and regulations are driving more businesses to measure, report and reduce their carbon emissions. For those beginning their journey, the right tools and experienced advisors can slash the time and costs to achieve their goals.
QuickStart provides a collaborative process with experienced consultants to establish your carbon footprint, set realistic targets, identify initiatives to reduce emissions, and develop an integrated plan.
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Climate action now.
QuickStart provides the simplest way to achieve your first carbon report, while building a solid base for further action.
Demystify the process.
We don’t do jargon. We simplify the process and build a sustainability foundation that every stakeholder can understand.
Fixed price, big results.
QuickStart is cost effective for all sizes of business, providing rapid wins to satisfy customers and stakeholders and improve your bottom line.
Simple tools with major impact.
With simple tools and access to carbon experts, QuickStart guides you through a proven process with meaningful results.