Water Management.

Real-time water insight.

Gain visibility of your organisation’s water use to reduce waste, cost, and improve sustainability efforts.

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Our clients are
0,000,000kg of CO2-e closer to Net Zero and spending
$0,000,000 less on utility costs.

Trusted by outstanding businesses.

Auckland Council Energy Efficiency
The why behind the wai.

Water management made easy.

Utilise real-time, accurate data to analyse your organisation’s water use and improve water management processes through automated monitoring and alerts.

Contact us
“Having the 24/7 monitoring and visibility across a large complex site has proved invaluable over the time Auckland Zoo has partnered with BraveGen. This program has enables us deliver our water savings and water conservation outcomes. Having access to accurate data has helped focus resource and prioritise projects to improve the operation of the Zoo”

Steve Simpson

Zoo Facilities Manager, Auckland Zoo


Always-on water management.

Increase water utilisation, prevent waste, and reduce costs with water management information available when and where you need it.

You have a vision. We have a way to get you there.

Let's talk.

You have a vision. We have a way to get you there.

Let’s talk