Book a meeting if you would like to know more about any of the services or solutions you have seen.
Continuous Commissioning.
Sustain your gains.
Optimise your commercial portfolio performance and asset life to achieve quality building ratings.
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Our clients are
0,000,000kg of CO2-e closer to Net Zero and spending
$0,000,000 less on utility costs.
Trusted by outstanding businesses.
Control and confidence.
Optimum building performance made simple.
Commercial buildings are highly dynamic. Over time, even the most advanced building management system can become inefficient. Human intervention, wear & tear, maintenance and changing needs all inevitably take their toll.
Our award winning team optimise some of New Zealand’s premium office space. With a solid framework of review and communication, we monitor and optimise BMS and building performance to achieve and sustain your carbon and energy management goals.
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The monitoring and professional services that BraveGen provides have been invaluable in achieving our results. BraveGen provides the visibility needed to productively plan and track performance across our entire portfolio.
Matt Rowbotham
GM Procurement and Property, ASB Bank
Our approach.
With best-in-class monitoring and award winning building optimisation specialists, you have a team to rely on for outstanding ongoing performance.
Transparent communication.
A tailored engagement plan maps the path to the results you are looking for, providing clear accountability, activities and plans.
Simplify reporting.
Baseline performance, plan projects and always be up to date on results.
Leverage technology.
From intelligent monitoring, best-in-class software, to artificial intelligence we use the right tools in the right places to get the job done.
Human intelligence.
Smart technology is best paired with even smarter experts. Our team has decades of shared experience in cross-sector sustainability.