Decarbonisation 101: What is decarbonisation?

We’ve all seen the headlines: General Motors goes electric, PepsiCo commits to Net Zero. But as the clock ticks on climate change, we’re left wondering: are pledges enough? How do we turn promises into tangible progress? 

The truth is, decarbonisation isn’t just a corporate PR move—it’s a complex, all-hands-on-deck effort that requires action from every corner of society. As reporting mandates loom and stakeholders demand greater transparency, organisations are realising that reducing emissions isn’t just good for the planet—it’s good for business too.  

Corporate decarbonisation is a key component in the battle against climate change. This isn’t just about what happens inside their offices or factories – it covers everything from how products are made to how they’re shipped. Your company doesn’t need a single solution, it involves a combination of strategies that directly reduce emissions, like switching to renewable energy; and those that improve efficiency, such as reducing employee commutes or optimising operations.